How Long Should My Heat Pump in Tallahassee, FL, Last?

When it comes to choosing HVAC equipment for your Tallahassee, FL, home, it’s important to look at all of the variables. A heat pump is attractive because of its efficiency. It’s also a single unit for both heating and cooling. Discover how long your heat pump will serve your home and what you can do to extend its life.

Average Life Expectancy

Let’s start with the averages for heat pumps. Industry experts see most properly maintained heat pumps last 10 to 15 years. The U.S. Department of Energy recommends replacing your heat pump once it reaches the 10-year mark to gain the most benefits from newer models.

What Florida Does to Heat Pumps

Unfortunately, Florida has several strikes against it for having a long-lasting heat pump. First is the heat and humidity in the summer that puts excessive strain on the system. These two variables cause the system to run longer, wearing parts like the compressor more quickly.

Secondly, the airborne salt content is higher in Florida, especially in coastal areas. This additional salt wears on the coils, causing refrigerant leaks. You may lose five years or more from your unit’s service life due to the excess salt and long cycles.

Tips to Extend Your Heat Pump’s Service Life

One of the best things you can do to help extend your system’s life is to get routine maintenance. This not only helps extend the life but reduces your energy consumption and the need for heating and AC repairs. Some maintenance you can do for yourself includes replacing your air filter and washing the outside heat pump unit regularly.

Next, abide by the 20-degree rule. This simply says to keep the temperature on your thermostat within 20 degrees of the air temperature outside. Doing so helps reduce the operational strain on your system during the hottest days.

Your heat pump won’t last nearly as long when you neglect the routine maintenance it needs. Call to schedule your heat pump maintenance appointment with the expert service technicians at Central Heating Consultants today.

Image provided by iStock

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