How To Make Your Heating System More Energy Efficient
Homeowners in Tallahassee, Florida, often ask this question before the heating season, “How can I make my heating system more efficient?” Making a heating system more efficient doesn’t only save you money on energy expenses. It can also improve your home’s comfort levels. Replacing an old furnace with a high-efficiency unit is also an excellent way to save money and optimize your home’s comfort. Here’s how to make your heating system more energy efficient during the cooling weather:
Invest in a New Heating System
A furnace that has been in use for more than 15 years is probably not able to efficiently heat your home. There’s also a chance it isn’t compatible with a programmable thermostat. Installing a new heating system will require an upfront investment, but it can save money in the long run because it’ll use less energy to heat your home. And when you pair it with a programmable thermostat, you can automate the unit to keep your home at a moderate temperature while no one is home. As a result, it’ll further increase the amount of money you save.
Schedule Professional Maintenance
View preventative maintenance from a professional HVAC specialist as an asset rather than an expense. A specialist can inspect the heating system to ensure it’s operating with the utmost efficiency. He or she can pinpoint repairs and adjustments that otherwise would have gone overlooked, such as holes in the ductwork. Heat escaping from these holes can cause the furnace to work harder, which increases wear and tear on the unit and raises your energy bills.
Change the System’s Air Filter
A dirty furnace filter will make it hard for the unit to heat your home. Change the filter once every 45 to 60 days to improve energy efficiency. You should change the filter every 30 days if you have indoor pets. Pet dander floating in the air can become trapped in the filter and lead to inefficient heating.
Do you want to make your heating system more energy efficiency? Schedule professional heating system maintenance and duct cleaning services from Central Heating Consultants. Call us today at 850-270-4352.
Image provided by Shutterstock
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