How a Smart Thermostat Can Make Your Home More Energy Efficient

Are you still using a manual thermostat in your Tallahassee, Florida, home? If so, consider switching to a smart thermostat. This type of thermostat not only makes it easier to control your indoor temperature. It can also help reduce your energy bills. Below are three ways a smart thermostat can contribute to a more energy-efficient home.

Programmable Settings

You can’t program an old thermostat. If you don’t tweak it manually, it’ll run at the same temperature throughout the day. As a result, it’ll create energy waste and an uncomfortable home.

With a smart thermostat, you can pre-set the temperature settings to suit your specific comfort needs and schedule. When you leave home for work, the thermostat will automatically instruct your HVAC unit to turn off or switch to “eco” mode to keep your energy costs low. In this case, ease of use also means easier energy savings.

Remote Access

A smart thermostat also comes with internet connectivity that allows you to adjust the pre-set programming from a remote location via a smartphone app. If you need to stay late at work or want to extend your vacation, you can control your HVAC system to start operating at a later time. The ability to adjust your thermostat remotely can help you prevent energy waste that results from unusual circumstances.

Energy-Use Monitoring

Another benefit of a smart thermostat is that it gives you a clear insight into your energy consumption patterns. It provides detailed energy-use reports every month to let you know exactly how much energy you’re using and where your energy is going. This can help you identify energy-wasting habits and make the necessary adjustments to reduce your energy costs.

Although it’s costlier than a manual thermostat, a smart thermostat is a great investment because it can help you save substantially on your utility bills and make your home more comfortable. If you want to upgrade your HVAC system with a smart thermostat, get in touch with the experts at Central Heating Consultants to discuss your options. Call us today at 850-270-4352.

Image provided by iStock

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