Do You Need a New HVAC Thermostat in Tallahassee, FL?

Thermostats are essential to all HVAC systems and must be in good working order to run smoothly. Unfortunately, thermostats can wear out over time and when they do, it can cause all sorts of problems with your HVAC system. If you notice four signs, it’s a good idea to replace your HVAC thermostat in Tallahassee, FL:

Increasing Energy Bills

If you notice that your energy bills are increasing, even if you haven’t changed your thermostat settings, it’s a sign that your device is no longer working properly. Have a professional look at it as soon as possible to avoid wasting money on your energy bill.

HVAC System is Always Running

Your heating system should operate only when necessary to maintain a comfortable temperature in your home. If you notice that your system is always running, even when the thermostat is off, it’s a sign the device isn’t working properly and needs replacement. The inability to turn the system off can also shorten the lifespan of your HVAC system.

HVAC System Turns On and Off Frequently

Your HVAC system should run in cycles; though it might not be able to get your home to the temperature you set within a single cycle, each one should last approximately 15-20 minutes. Afterward, your HVAC system will rest for around 10 minutes and then begin a new cycle, repeating until your home is at the set temperature. If you notice your heater turning on and off more frequently, it’s a sign you might need your thermostat inspected.

Inaccurate Temperature Readings

Thermostats can become less accurate over time, and if this happens, it can cause your HVAC system to run unnecessarily, wasting energy and money. If you notice that your thermostat isn’t reading the temperature accurately, it’s time for a new one.

If you’re having trouble with your HVAC system and think you may need a new thermostat, contact Central Heating Consultants to schedule maintenance and repair services. We’ll inspect your system and let you know if a new thermostat is necessary.

Image provided by iStock

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