Stay Cool This Summer Without Paying More to Run Your AC System
The summer climate in Tallahassee, Florida, challenges air conditioning equipment to cope with high humidity and htemperatures. If you want to stay cool without breaking the bank in energy costs, follow these four tips:
Use Ceiling Fans
Ceiling fans help you feel cooler during the summer. Increasing ventilation increases comfort. Ceiling fans don’t cool the air. Instead, they move it, which helps carry heat away from your body. Using fans can make a room feel 10 degrees cooler. Fans use about 75 watts per hour compared to approximately 900 watts for a window unit. The Department of Energy advises that you can raise your thermostat by 4 degrees when using ceiling fans. Turn fans off when you leave a room to save even more.
Plant Shade Trees
Landscaping for shade reduces solar gain and keeps a home cooler. Planting shade trees and vegetation around a home can reduce energy costs by up to 50 percent. Trees can also be used to direct summer breezes toward the building, which increases ventilation.
Install Zoned Air Conditioning
Ductless mini-splits are simple solutions for hard-to-cool areas. Major manufacturers like Trane make both single- and multi-zone ductless systems. Multi-zone systems connect several rooms to one compressor. Each room has its own control that allows individual temperature settings. Each zone can be switched off when not in use.
Schedule a Seasonal AC Tuneup
Seasonal tuneups help HVAC equipment stay in tip-top shape. A well-maintained unit uses less energy to operate, experiences fewer breakdowns, and is better able to maintain desirable indoor humidity and temperature levels. Central Heating Consultants offers preventive maintenance service that adjusts and calibrates all elements of the system.
If you need a new air conditioner to better cope with the heat or just want advice about more ways to stay cool during the sultry Tallahassee summers, call Central Heating Consultants. We’re happy to help you stay cool at the lowest cost possible.
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